
08 June 2012

Winter Cough Remedy

By Christo Lues
Nothing is worse than that irritating, ongoing cough during the day and often into the nights!  Try this next time you have that nasty cough. 

I got this remedy from a friend of mine, Garth Kent. He tells the story of how he traveled to China some years ago. When he got off the plane, he was taken ill with a severe cold that advanced to bronchitis. 
He knew about the effectiveness of this remedy and started searching for the ingredients. He had great difficulty in locating raw honey though. Eventually he found a small pot of honey in a curio shop and was able to mix the remedy. He was very sick in bed for four days. He made sure to take plenty of the mixture every time he woke up. After four days he was well and continue his trip.
With winter starting in the Southern Hemisphere, my whole family contracted a nasty cold. It was accompanied by lots of bronchitis-like productive coughing, blocked nose, watery eyes, sore throat etc. 
None of my standard cough and cold remedies relieved the cough. That was when I remembered Garth’s remedy again. I made it and it was the only thing that would stop the cough within minutes!
Garlic (Allium sativa)
One of the most popular remedies through the ages. Garlic helps strengthen the immune system against infection by activating “germ-eating” macrophages, a certain white blood cell that is produced by the immune system.
Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger inhibits the production of cytokines, chemicals that create long-term tendency towards inflammation and pain.
The ginger compound shagoal kills cold viruses. This makes the unprocessed raw herb an effective treatment for colds, and it’s pain relieving properties make it useful for treating flu and strep throat.
Raw honey is one of nature’s wonders. It will never go off, evidence to this effect was found when some tombs of the faro’s were opened. Honey was discovered in the tombs. Although the honey was completely crystalized, it was completely edible!
Apart from the wonderful sweet taste of honey, it is a very strong antiseptic and makes a good salve for burns and wounds. Honey contains some minerals, B-complex vitamins, and Vitamin C, D and E. Honey is widely used to promote energy and healing.
In 1902 the Lancet said,“…brandy is so universally regarded as superior to all other spirits from a medicinal point of view…”
The British Medical Journal felt that Victorian Vineyards’ “brandy is a pure product and well worthy of the attention of the profession”11 and that “no other kind of brandy corresponds better to medical necessities than pure grape brandy.
Brandy was much used in pyrexial (fever) illnesses, especially pneumonia and typhoid and there were several reasons for its use. Firstly it lowered the temperature by its vasodilatory effect. Its depressant effects were also valuable; “in respiratory embarrassment, especially in the rapid, shallow, inefficient breathing of broncho-pneumonia, alcohol quiets the respiration, and so makes it more efficient,” thereby improving oxygenation.
What to do
Peel and cut about 3 cloves garlic and about an inch of ginger root.
Chop into small pieces.

Put in a small pan to be heated on the stove plate
Add about 125ml of Brandy 
Heat the mixture until it just starts to steam a little - no boiling.
Take off the stove plate and let it cool a bit.

Add about 100ml of raw honey.

Stir up the mixture and let it stand till cold. When cold, pour the WHOLE mixture into a glass bottle and store in the refrigerator for usage.
To use, pour about a table spoon from the bottle and drink often. If some of the garlic/ginger pieces are ingested it is also very effective.


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